Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Visit from Chris

'Twas the day before Solstice
When all through the crag
Every creature was aroused
Even the one-eyed white stag

The route was all set
Bolt hangers flush, not one spinner
So excited were the locals
They couldn't eat dinner

Then in an instant
I heard a car engine
"He's here! He's here!"
I danced, scaring the pigeon

His eyes --- how they twinkled!
His dimples --- how merry
He offered me a Haagen Dazs
I said, "No, thanks. I don't eat dairy."

He spoke not a word
He went straight to his work
He seemed full of passion
Why do some think he's a jerk?

He didn't have any chalk
So typical of a pretty boy
"Here, try this.
I made it from soy."

With a nod and a smile
Up the wall he rose
He looked beautiful and silly
With chalk on his nose

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Bowling with my mind
It's somewhere in the gutter
No one left behind
Earth melting like warm butter

Surfing with my mind
Falling off the pace
Looking for my kind
No trace of the human race

Looked out from the highest point
The most beautiful sight I did see
Nobody to disappoint
Just me and a big palm tree