Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Soar and Snore

I killed and ate a wild boar.
See my clothes all covered in gore?
I bouldered for days, see all the skin that I tore?
I climbed 5.10 when I was only four.

Why do we always keep score?
Is it because we find life a bore?
Losers feel sore
Winners gloat and roar
Are you really hardcore?
Or are you 100% folklore?

I think I'll just keep living and talk no more.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Lately I've been in a funky mood
Trying to find my own groove
No matter how many times I shake it
Thinking the wrong thoughts don't make it

Shut down, restart, refresh
The rock and I just gotta mesh
As I wait for my tea to steep
I realize that I've been thinking too deep